Friday, February 25, 2011

it's friday!

and my favorite things of this week have come in the form of the thing that has my heart, the one and only music. My ratio of albums that I buy and think are just okay to albums that I buy and like every single song is about 5:1, so purchasing 2 within 3 days of each other where I love every single song feels like Christmas morning. Open your iTunes now and purchase. I believe that they're so good, I'll even burn them for you. Do it!
Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More
Standout songs: all of them + "Timshel" "Cave"

Adele - 21
Standout songs: "Someone like you," "Set Fire to the Rain"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

And just when I was starting to think I was doing this regularly

I went and took a week and a half off.

So many wonderful things have happened in the last 10 days. Most (but not all) revolving around 3 days, 46 hours, and 9.5 million dollars, but I'll post about that this weekend.

Hints: I didn't win, steal, spend or find 9.5 million.

Although there has been one 'low' for the past week and a half. I have heard of it a lot before, although it never affected me until now -- senioritis.

Ugh, that scary word that makes me melt into a ball of laziness and apathetic-ness. I don't, at all, want to do school work. I was lucky to have an extremely light course load this semester, the perfect way to end college, or so I thought. And while I enjoy not staying up cramming until 5am two nights out of the week, since the classes I'm taking don't matter towards my career I am finding it impossible to find the drive to do the work. I have never been as "ehh, whatever" as I have this semester. The downside of all of this is that I can't even find joy in not doing work -- I feel guilty all the time and small little assignments are constantly hanging over my head. Not fun.

But, spring break is just around the corner and I'll be spending mine in sunny and warm Jacksonville, FL. Someone pass the SPF and an epic driving playlist please.

Random side note, while in the midst of my senioritis I've been daydreaming about what my post-grad home will look like, assuming it's not in my high school bedroom of course. Check out my musings below.

Happy Thursday -- the weekend will be here before you know it!

Monday, February 14, 2011

because it's valentine's day

and because I love 'love,' I'm combining a valentine's day tribute with music monday.

If you know me, you know that I have a deep and real love of Taylor Swift (I don't care what you say -- I love her) and my favorite song on her new-ish record is Enchanted. It's sweet, precious and frankly, enchanting. When the song came out, rumors flew around that it was written about Adam Young from Owl City.

Well, it turns out it was, and he has, for Valentine's Day, given her a song response and it absolutely melts my heart across the floor. It's equally as sweet, equally as precious and equally as enchanting.

Enjoy these songs. 
Let them melt your heart as they did with mine. 
Tell the ones you love how special they are-
today, tomorrow and everyday after. 
Happy Valentine's day!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I have a super busy week ahead of me and therefore have to hibernate from most social activity these next few days to get work done, meaning I have to miss the grammy's which is a huge bummer. I don't think I've missed them since 5th grade.

Who are you rooting for? My fingers are crossed for Michael Buble, Sara Bareilles, Norah Jones and Florence + The Machine.

I'll be anxiously looking for winner updates online all night. For those of you not busy, pour yourself a glass of wine, snuggle up in comfy clothes and enjoy the performances! I'll be youtube-ing them tomorrow

Friday, February 11, 2011

friday favorites

It's Friday, and a new weekend is upon us. 
with my senioritis hitting me harder each day, weekends seem sweeter than ever
besides the upcoming weekend being my favorite thing about Fridays, 
here's some more of my favorite things in honor of my favorite day of the week. 

Vanilla candles, can't live in a house without them

watching [personal] classic movies all weekend

 Coffee, cute mug and my initial rolled into one -- nothing better
($6 at anthropologie, hello, what could be better?)

Spoil yourself and think about the little things in your day that make you happy and feel good. When we are able to identify the good things, instead of focusing on the bad, being thankful and living in a happy state of mind becomes much easier. I might have a 'packed-tight with obligations weekend' ahead of me and a huge exam on Monday, but I'm drinking out of my J mug with my vanilla candles burning, and I know I'm living la dolce vita

Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's freezing outside. 
But don't be discouraged; let this inspire you
The warm weather is only a couple more months away!

don't you just feel warm looking at this?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

why did I go through 22 years not knowing about this?

Well, probably because I didn't like vegetables for the first 20 of them.
My new favorite thing on an english muffin
happiness is the little things in life, like really delicious cream cheese

Saturday, February 5, 2011

living without

The past few weeks I've been quick with YouTube videos and slow with using real words on this blog. It's mostly out of selfish lack of motivation. I haven't had the best last few weeks and was in (still coming out of?) a terrible state of self-pity.

I turned 22. Lovely. Really though, I love birthdays.

However, I always knew that I would turn 22 in the January of my senior year, and for me that marked a very important deadline. Since I was a junior in high school and figured out the current age and month and time of my life -- 22, January, Senior -- I had made a vow that I would be securely employed by now.

"My 22nd birthday is the perfect deadline.. the start of a new year, the middle of a school year, with a few more months of college left.. the perfect deadline for being employed with a 'real person job." 
-my thoughts over the past few years. 

But here I am, two and a half weeks into my 22nd year -- not only without a job -- but without any prospects. My industry, journalism and media, was one of the ones hit the hardest in the economic downturn that came about my sophomore year of college. But still, I was hopeful. But still, I was naive. I've been lucky, with adequate effort, I've been able to get everything I wanted in my life so far. But now, I'm fighting hundreds of applicants for one 30K (if I'm lucky) reporting job.

To add insult to serious injury (name that Hugh Grant movie), two days after turning 22, my car broke down. permanently.

I've been set all my life, yet on the cusp of entering reality, I find myself jobless and unpredictably car-less.


So, you see, the past few weeks I've been thinking in terms of 'me.' 'I'm' living without. Poor 'me.'

me, me, me. I, I, I.

Then, all the way across the world, something happened in Cairo, Egypt. In political frenzy, the dear citizens of that nation turned against each other. Against their neighbors and childhood friends and brothers.

Violence spread like wildfire and within a day the entire world became painstakingly aware of the sadness that has overcome this most infamous nation. However, the causes of these violent acts and revolutionary mindsets are not what I'm here to preach.

While watching redundant footage of the Egyptian men clubbing each other and hurling fire across the streets of Trafalgar Square in Cairo, all I could think about were the people they left behind. Their wives, jumping at every noise as they anxiously wait for husbands to return, alive, for the night. Their mothers, undoubtedly worrying themselves sick as they watch the same coverage that I, 3,000 miles away, am watching. The sons and daughters, sisters and brothers, who spend the day in their bedrooms praying for their fathers and brothers to just be safe.

They are a people group in suffering. I, I soon realized, -in my warm apartment, my family safe and intact a short drive away, nearing the end of an amazing education, my friends not out sacrificing their lives for a cause but doing homework beside me - I am not suffering. Not even close.

So what. I don't have a job yet. But I will at some point. I don't have a car for the next few months. But my roommates do, and are happy to chauffeur me to and from the grocery store.

I'm not living without. I'm living with one of the best circumstances that exist on this earth.

If I were telling this over dinner, I would ask that you bow your head and we would pray for Egypt. Then I would raise my glass, and you would follow suit.

I would say 
'Here's to our blessed lives, here's to the safety of our loved ones, here's to remembering that life is about more than jobs and cars, here's to possibility and here's to hoping that one day we'll all get it right.'

Glasses would clink, we'd take a sip, and remember that in this life, we are never without.
I haven't liked a song this much in a very long time.

I had never even heard of The Civil Wars before, but my iTunes needed a facelift so I went browsing. It was the number 1 selling album on that particular day, that happened to be the day it was released, was only 7.99 and sounded right up my alley -- so I sontaneously purchased it, and I'll never look back.