Thursday, May 19, 2011

rain, rain, go away.

Rain, rain, rain! The entire Northeast has been covered in it for a week now, I want to enjoy this last week or so of spring, so here's hoping the sun will poke through soon.

But, I will say, if I had this umbrella from Urban Outfitters, then it could rain for the rest of the summer. How cute is it?

I also love a cute pair of rain boots. I generally like the solid colored ones, but I have these anchored ones that I adore. Not only are they useful for rain, but also for - as my mom discovered - walking the dog through dewy grass on summer mornings.

word to the wise: leaving them out in the rain prohibits you from actually using them while it's raining
And, to keep it rained themed, I've been listening to my favorite Adele song all day, 'Set Fire to the Rain' give yourself some time, you'll want to repeat this over and over.  Enjoy and stay dry!

1 comment:

  1. i love your blog : ) oh and grey and yellow are some of favorite paired colors!! totally do your room in that, it would look amazing. post some photos when it's done!
