Wednesday, March 16, 2011

a thankful tuesday

I am very blessed girl, and I never want to take that for granted. Today I was thinking about all the amazing things I am thankful for and was overwhelmed with not just the big obvious things [my amazing, wonderful, healthy and loving friends and family, my education, food, shelter, etc.] but all the little things, that I'm more likely to not see as daily blessings.

1. Music

I know that you all know how much I love music. And it's true, music is one of my most, if not the most, special material things in my life. When I'm happy, when I'm sad, when I'm doing homework, driving, cooking, reading, writing, blogging, falling asleep, walking to class, having a quiet time + so much more. I love music, and I am so lucky to know what kind of music I like for what occasions and moods and to have access to so much good music. What an unnecessary blessing in my life that I get to enjoy the gift of music every single day!

2. My roommate, Kendall
they don't make them this cute these days
Let me tell you, this girl is special. Not only is she my best friend, but she's more of a soul mate. She understands me [and most importantly -- puts up with me] during many not-so-pretty moments. For example, on the last night of spring break, I got a nasty stomach virus. I woke up, got sick, ran to where she was sleeping, told her I needed paper towels, and ran back to the bathroom. Without any questions she woke up, got me what I needed and took care of me. This morning, only a few days later, I woke up at 9:05 with a midterm at 9:05 [I blame my soothing Ingrid Michaelson alarm song], I wake her up in a panic and ask her to drive me to class, without questions or complaining, she did - and talked to me about how it could be worse the entire way there. We'll be far away from each other next year, and I honestly don't know what I'm going to do without her. She's probably the greatest person I have ever known, and I'm so thankful and blessed that I know her. 

3. Coffee Mugs

I have this in white with red lettering and it's my favorite of the bunch!
Okay, I'm not even going to go there with being thankful for coffee, if you read this blog, then you know that coffee ranks up there with family and friends. But, a small little blessing is cute mugs! I consider myself a sort of 'collector' in this. If starbucks sells a cute mug, there is a 99% chance I'll buy it. I have more than I would like to admit, and I love them! I even have some mugs that fit certain moods I'm in. Even though I've turned into a mug snob and really hate to drink out of 'ugly mugs' I realize what small blessings beautiful coffee mugs are. 

4. Nail polish

I love painting my nails! Who knew that putting on nail polish could make you feel so good? Well, besides the person who did, in fact, invent it. I can't wear nail polish to work, and I work on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So every Thursday afternoon I come home from work and pick out a shade to sport until the following Tuesday. Nail polish is a little life joy. And isn't that what life is about? Taking part of things that give you joy? I'm so very thankful for nail polish 

5. Napping blankets
don't you want to just curl up under this?
Okay, it would be weird for me to go deep about this one, but I have lots of comfy, soft, fleecy blankets that I love curing under to listen to music, watch TV, drink coffee, talk with friends, and nap. In fact my legs are wrapped up in my favorite brown one as I write this. Mmm, I love soft blankets.  

It's actually now 12:30 am on Wednesday, but I started writing this on Tuesday, so that's what I'm still going to consider the time to be. I am so thankful for so many things in my life, stretching far beyond material items. Looking at things we're thankful for forces us to look at why life is good. If we weren't thankful for anything, we wouldn't appreciate anything -- and if we didn't appreciate anything we'd miss out on a lifetime of happiness. 

What are the little things in life that you love and are thankful for?

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