Sunday, June 26, 2011

morning storms

Nashville weather has been a funny and fickle thing, in my two weeks here it's been filled with morning thunderstorms and spouts of rain downpours. Around noon, the skies clear and the day is (and remains) sunny as can be. Monday through Friday, it makes me want to curl up and go back to bed. But on the weekends, I love this weather. Instead of staying under my covers I want to get a cup of coffee and sit on my porch. Not even my porch - on the porch of a one hundred year old house, the kinds with the big shutters and wrap around porches - and drink coffee, listen to the morning rain and my favorite playlist.

Because of these lovely mornings, I can sit in my half-moved-into, not-really-feeling-like-home-yet apartment and feel comfortable, cozy and completely home. And that feeling of being 'home,' well, that's a very special thing.

Look at these pretty southern porches, couldn't you just sit on them all day long?

yes, please.

my favorite, I want to photoshop myself on that porch swing.
I always love Adele, but watching the rain and listening to this song this morning feels like it's the perfect fit. Her jazzy sound sooths my soul down to the core. 

Happy Sunday morning everyone. I hope you all have something that makes your weekend mornings one of your favorite parts of your week.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

when in Rome

I've always 'liked' country, but I've never loved  it. However, since living in Nashville, listening to country music just feels natural when I drive around, and it's really growing on me. So in honor of this new place and it's sweet tea country charm, here's a little break from my normal genre and my favorite country tunes this past week. enjoy dear friends

of course, I have to include the song that should be awarded 
"most quoted on facebook and twitter"
...but hey, when it's good it's good. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

I'm here, I'm moved in, I'm a... grown up?

I'm in Nashville! 

I officially moved in on Monday. After spending the weekend watching my sister graduate and having an awesome party with all of our family and friends, it was one of the hardest things I've ever done to get up Sunday morning and get in the car to move. I pulled out of my driveway with tears streaming down my face that lasted until Baltimore. I will miss beautiful Pennsylvania and home-y Chester County so much, but now that I'm here, a few days into what I think will be a great job and am starting to learn my way around, I can't help but feel that this change is natural and good.

The reason I moved here was for my job, so thankfully it's one that I think I'll really like. The people I work with seem great and I'm excited to get to learn how to do my job and do it well. I'm looking forward to the day when all of a sudden I realize "wait, I know how to do this..."

Nashville itself still remains a bit of a mystery to me. I've seen it a lot because of my lost adventures, that is -- trying to go to a coffee shop and taking the wrong road and going downtown; trying to find a target and taking the wrong road and going downtown; looking for the farmer's market and taking a wrong road and going downtown... and lastly, trying to find my office and taking a wrong road and going downtown.Like with my job, I'm looking forward to getting to the point where I can say "I know this."

Familiarity is something I didn't realize I took for granted. It's a hard thing when you don't know where you are.

It's also weird not knowing all the fun quirks and good spots around town. Both in Chester County and in State College, I knew where the best place to get coffee was, what hours I should avoid going to Irving's bagels and the best spot in town to get breakfast. My boss has mentioned lots of fun places to go, and all the while I keep thinking "ahhhhhhh! I want to know about all of this stuff!" There's lots of local dives I want to explore. I love you 'bucks and dunkin, but this whole 'chain' thing doesn't always fit my mood.

The good news? I'm here for a while baby. And I've got all the time I need to explore this place inside and out.

So far I can only get 3 places without directions 1. my office 2. starbucks 3. target. But really, where else would I ever need to go besides my beloved bucks and target

Tomorrow I'm checking out the Nashville Farmer's Market. I tried to do it Thursday afternoon and failed miserably. I thought I was almost there and I realized I was almost at my apartment -- they're about 20 minutes away from each other. At least I'm consistent.

I'll leave you with the top 5 things I've learned about relocating so far. And when you're done reading them, sit on your porch, watch the fireflys and enjoy the last fleeting days of June.

1. Virginia is a huge state.
You admire the beautiful rolling hills, pretty mountains, then 6 hours later you're cursing that your still driving through that freaking state

2. No reservations? That'll be an extra $75-100
It's sounds adventerous to not make reservations at a hotel and just drive till you can't then pull over and get a room, but as was learned in Knoxville, TN, that'll cost you top dollar for the room. 

3. McDonald's really is the biggest chain ever
No explantion. One about every 2-4 exits for 800 miles. 

4. In most states but PA, there is a carpool lane
And it's fun to stare judgingly at those driving in it by themselves

5. Southern Interstates are clean and smooth
No gaping potholes every mile and running over fast food bags is something my car is excited about

& finally, 
This song was made for this post.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

a time to relax

This past week has been one of the most emotional and overwhelming weeks I've ever experienced. I said goodbye to my best friends, moved out of my college place, went to nashville for a grueling apartment search and am on the cusp of frantically packing and tying up loose ends (a-la buying a car).

And when those weeks come around from time to time, as they always do, it's a good thing to know what puts you in your 'happy place.' The things that help you let down your hair or put up your feet.

Mine usually involve a cup of coffee or a glass of wine paired with a good playlist or a favorite movie on tv.

Tonight I'm listening to this, her music never fails to calm me down and allow me to relax.

Our lives are too short to spend them stressed out, so finding time to hide away from the world and relax is the best medicine for any overwhelmed head or heart, whether it's 15 minutes before you go to sleep, while you drink your morning cup of joe or spending 5 minutes away from your desk. 
What makes you relax?

Friday, June 3, 2011

number one

I realized two things today,

1. I haven't written just an average post about an above average song in a very long time

2. I checked my number one on the 'top 25' iTunes playlist for the first time in over a year and this song not only finally overtook Tegan and Sara's Call it Off - who's had the number one spot on lock for years- but it's got it beat by over 100 plays, 

It's safe to say that if there could ever be a 'number one' favorite song of mine, this would be a contender, also for some reason I've never shared it with the world (... well this blog)

So here it is, The Temper Trap's Sweet Disposition
I actually thought the video was a little distracting from the song, so in a two birds/one stone move I found it with a montage of my number one movie of all time, 500 days of summer.

Listen to: 
1. when driving
3. after making a life changing decision
3. while drinking coffee