Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I'm a graduate!

It finally happened, on Saturday I joined the world of college graduates, and I couldn't be happier! I thought I was going to leave feeling sad about leaving my friends, my roommates and the cutest apartment I may ever live in, but for now, the only thing I feel is excited. I'm ready to start the next chapter of my life and see where my career takes me!

It was the perfect ceremony; not too long, not too short and Wolf Blitzer (yes, the Wolf Blizter) gave a lovely commencement address to the College of Communications graduates. I walked across the stage, shook a few hands of people I didn't know, got my diploma and joined the largest alumni network in the world of proud Penn State grads. 

I am so happy to be finished with school, home with my family and figuring out my future. 

Now, I just have to find a job.

leave it to Sang to have the most creative cap of everyone, the 'wow' fingers were most definitely necessary
"You're too young to settle. Don't give up on your dream" -Wolf Blitzer


Cheers to the future


  1. So proud of you Jules!

  2. Wishing you a fantastic future filled with great adventures!
    Love from Aunt Ellen & Bill.

  3. Jules! I love this post :) I wrote a very similar snippet on my own blog about being surprisingly happy after graduation--how funny! You forgot to mention one thing though...and I think you know what I'm talking about. Handicap. Ramp.
