Friday, May 27, 2011

see ya later northeast


stop re-reading and rubbing your eyes, it's true! I can't believe it, I am so blessed beyond belief. I got a real grown-up job. 

Oh and one other thing.. 

It's in Nashville, Tennessee!

I know that in my core I am so excited about this, but as soon as I accepted the job dozens of fears started creeping into my head. I'm fearful about being inadequate in my job, about not making friends, about getting lost every time I leave my apartment... oh and there's that whole 'moving to a new city in a different part of the country by myself' thing. The fears exist, but I know that this job is exactly where God wants me, and I can't wait to get started and make Nashville 'my city.' A city I can take pride in, a city where I call home.

My heart will always beat in Philly, and it's weird to think that I'm moving to a place where people could care less about the Phillies, don't regularly eat cheesesteaks, and don't get hyped up when the fresh prince says 'innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn west philadelphia, born and raised.'

But as I leave my western philadelphia suburb, I know that this will be good. I know that I can and will be happy there. I know that is a life-changing opportunity.

And one other thing.. I leave in 2 weeks. 

In the next 2 weeks I have to 1. buy a car 2. move out of my penn state apartment 3. go to my roommates wedding 4. go to nashville and find a place to live 5. come back from nashville to pack up (see three posts ago... I JUST made my room look perfect and finished unpacking, go figure) 6. attend my sister's graduation 7. have our dual graduation party 8. go back to nashville 9. start a real-person job.


But, it'll get done. If I want this job, I'll get it done..... with extreme help from and dependence on my wonderful parents of course.

But for now, I'm at the beach for the long, beautiful memorial day weekend (eating all the seafood I can and staring at the ocean... nashville is an appalling distance from the coast) and enjoying this time with my family. We're relaxing and taking it slow until tuesday morning.

and occasionally jumping up and down yelling
so.... which building does taylor swift live in?

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