Monday, May 21, 2012

monday night TV

I've never been shy about or ashamed of my addiction to reality television. And now that I work in the television industry, I feel all the more justified. Since my early pre-teen days, my mom and I have been impossibly obsessed with the Bachelor and Bachelorette. Unlike a lot of the reality TV shows I watched in my teen years, I am not "out growing" this one, in fact, I like each season more than the one before. Maybe it's because I'm finally reaching the same age as some of the contestants, so the men seem to get more handsome very season.

I know that when a new year starts each January, a new batch of crazy women will take over my Monday night television as they compete to find love on the Bachelor. And in March, one of the Bachelor's heartbroken and rejected females will take over as the Bachelorette for the summer.

It's a beautiful cycle of television joy. 

This season is all about Emily Maynard. The too-beautiful-for-words single momma who is looking for a step-daddy for her daughter after her finance 
(and daughter's father) was killed in a racecar accident. 

Yes, yes, I know it's horribly contrived. 
Hold your judgements because it's amazing and I vow to never stop watching.

Love me some Monday nights

One part ABC + 
handsome men + 
single mom looking for love

One part wine +
pajamas +
chocolate chips

a very happy post grad.

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